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What is the main difference between conventional motor and bldc motor?
Brush-Less Direct Current (BLDC) motor is a
new technology that manipultes DC current
using microcontrollers and MOSFET to create
pwm signals in DC current thus modifying
input signal of the coils in the motor. The
pulse width modulation of the input signal is
altered to increase and reduce the speed of
the fan. BLDC technology uses permanent
magnets to create a permanent magnet field
for the fan.A conventional fan uses a simple capacitor
and AC current to drive the motor of the fan.
There are no permanent magnet or Printed
Circuit board inside the fan. However the
rotor of the fan is non magnetic and the
magnet is induced in it when AC current is
being run through the fan.
How can a BLDC motor consume less energy as compared to the conventional motor?
In a BLDC motor, we use printed circuit board
(PCB) and permanent magnets. The board has
two parts the first part convert AC current at 220
VAC 50 Hz to DC current. The second part uses
microcontroller couple with MOSFETS to create
customise signals in DC current instead of AC
current at a very short distance is far more
efficient as compared to AC current. Usually the
DC current directly at the product supply reduces
power losses.However, in case of AC power supply, AC power
is best for transmission over long distances but
they can be used to operate appliances as well.
we require a capacitor to crudely modulate the
ac signal for the motor, but through this
inefficient process the losses are to high as
compared to bidc technology.
Why does a BLDC fan / Hybrid Econopower / ACDC Inverter Fan takes a jerk at the starting of the fan?
First of all, there is nothing to worry
about regarding this jerk. In the bldc
motor, we use segments of
permanent magnets with opposing
poles when the power is turned on
these poles have to align with the
poles on the stator this alignment of
poles causes the fan to take
realignment jerk before the fan
What are the advantages of BLDC motor over conventional motor?
There are many advantages of bldc technology over conventional motor. The most important one’s are as
- The bldc technology is far more efficient as compared to conventional motor.
- The bldc technology, consequently, is far more energy conservative and environmentally friendly as compared to old conventional technology.
- The speed regulation of a conventional fan is far more difficult as compared to the speed regulation of a bldc fan. The speed dimmer coupled with the uninterrupted power supply (UPS) may cause humming noises on conventional fan. The bldc fans available in the market have remote controlled speeds. (Do not use fan dimmer or speed regulators for bldc technology).
- Conventional fan requires the voltage to be stable at 220VAC for it to work on optimum conditions however in case of bldc technology the switch mode power supply (SMPS) regulates a consistent output of power even if the input power is variable up to variation of +100V.
After paying the difference amount, can we replace our old conventional fans with Hybrid Econopower fans?
No, the Difference in cost no way
indicates that the two technologies are
any way similar.Yes, if you wish to upgrade your fan
from conventional fan to bldc fan we
can buy your old fan back at a
depreciated cost and the amount we
owe you can be adjusted in the
purchase of newer fan. This opportunity
is for the existing customer of our brand
Can we use Wi-Fi to control the blidc fan in the event that we lose are remote?
As of the end of 2023, the existing
models of Lahore fan there is no wi-fi
provision however in the future models
we will be able to provide the customer
with Wi-Fi option along with the remote
option.Wi-Fi requires additional hardware which
is going to be it costly as compared to
the conventional RF remote but rest
assured, the current RF remote of
Lahore fans is for better than any
existing remote in the market with
longer range and prompt response.
How many Watts are used by AC/DC inverter at 220VAC WAPDA and 12 volt in the event of no WAPDA?
Power (Watts) = Voltage (Volts) x
Current (Ampare)Our acdc inverter fan utilizes 55-60
Watts at top speed in any case.That means if volts are 200-240
VAC the ampares are 0.2-0.3A.
However, in case of 12VDC, the
ampares are 4.5-5 A.
Our fan has two power sources one is 220 VAC from WAPDA and the other one is 12 volt DC from solar power. Can the AC/ DC inverter fan convert automatically on 12 volt or not?
Yes. The advanced microcontroller
inside the printed circuit board of
the fan has programming that
identifies whether the WAPDA
power supply is available or not. In
case the WAPDA power is lost, the
PCB switches to other power supply
of DC source automatically.
Can we use 3.5uf capacitor instead of 2.5uf for more RPM?
No. It is highly recommended that the
customer should use the capacitor that
was already installed inside the fan or
provided separately from the organisation
the fan is from. Any capacitor, with the
different value, from a different source,
can cause the fan to blow out. This
happens when the fan is not thoroughly
checked along side the capacitor being
used. For example as asked if the 2.5uf
capacitor is replaced with 3.5uf capacitor
the fan would initially work fine at a higher
speed but later on, higher capacitor would
mean more load on the windings of the fan
causing them to get heated in eventually
What is the ideal height from floor to fan blades for Good air throw?
For a good and optimum air
throw, the minimum height
required for a fan to work
properly its blades need to be 3
m / 10 ft from the ground.It is also advise that the blades
of the ceiling fan should be at
0.5m / 1.5 ft from the ceiling
and 1.5m // 5 ft from the side
walls, for better air flow.
What voltage range is best for BLDC to operate at and what voltage level damages the BLDC motor?
The key component or the group of components inside the bldc printed circuit board is the switch mode power supply (SMPS). SMPS is being
used in all the new technology is currently around the world it exists in
our televisions (LCD/LED), inverter air conditioners, LED lights, mobile
chargers, laptop chargers and so on. Wonderful thing about SMPS is that
it works on a wide range of input voltage often ranging between 180VAC
upto 240VAC input supply.In Pakistan, the greatest threat to SMPS supply is mainly the following:
- Unregulated frequency in the power supply which often is originated from low quality generators/gensets, with bad or no AVR function that controls the frequency.
- Wapda supply from your nearest transformer where the transformer is not currently connected to any earth cable or there has been no earth cable connected to the supply in your household. This causes the voltage and the phaseshift frequency to be unstable causing all the SMPS and also sometimes the AC based induction appliances to also burnout.
- The sub standard uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) locally manufactured and untested available.
- Although SMPS has a wide range of input power supply, it does have its limits. Any voltage that is higher than 270 VAC whether its for even a milli-second will cause one of the safety functions in the PCB to blow out. At extremely low voltage is the PCB will automatically shut down without any damage.